Volunteers Needed – Supply Sorting for People Migrating

Can you help?

Washington is one of the “landing sites” for the many thousands of Migrants who are in transit to other cities and towns across the country. Capitol Hill United Methodist Church […]

Supplies for Migrants

Help stock the DC Welcome Centers for migrants bused to DC from the border.

With the lifting of Title 42, hundreds of migrants will be coming to DC every week. Congregations, including St. Mark’s, and the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network (MSMAN) are partnering […]

Help Prepare Apartments for Refugees


Join one Saturday a month. Help move furnishings, reconstruct beds, hang pictures, or mount TVs in apartments for refugees.

The Afghan Steering Committee Seeks Tutors for Afghan Children

A volunteer opportunity

Children arriving in the US speaking no English have the advantage of attending public school. But usually there are minimal additional English classes and they struggle to understand instruction and […]

Pen Pals Needed!

...“a shining star in my darkness of times.”

Interfaith Action for Human Rights is seeking volunteers interested in corresponding with pen pals in federal, DC, and Maryland prisons.