
These are the five areas of lay-led programs. We also have strong Youth and Family Ministries and Music programs.”

Coordinator: Michael Knipe
Vestry Liaison: Nick Rogers

Head Verger: Josie Jordan

Laying on of Hands: Patricia Catalano
Vestry Liaison: Jan Lipscomb

Online services (including Sound system): Charlie Rupp

Acolytes: Doris Burton (9:00 & 11:15)

Altar Guild: Susan Ryerson(9:00), Doris Burton(11:15)

Greeters: The Reverend Caitlin Frazier, Mary Ellison, Terri Poxon-Pearson

Bread & Wine: Michael Swift and Terri Poxon-Pearson (9:00), Madison and Marshall Thorpe (11:15)

Readers: Maureen Shea(9:00), Andrew Stafford(11:15)

St. Mark’s Meditation Center: Michele Rivard

Co-Directors: Annabelle Swift, Rob Hall, Rita Ossolinski, Steve Dalzell.

Vestry Liaison: Doug Padgett

Sunday School: Caleb Nelson Amaker (staff position)

Catechesis Program: Stephanie Deutch

Safe Church, Safe Communities (formerly Safeguarding God’s Children): Caleb Nelson Amaker

Co-Chairs: Elin Whitney-Smith and JR Randall
Vestry Liaison: Doug Padgett

Dance Studio offers dance classes for all ages/levels of experience www.stmarksdancestudio.org
Director: Dorthy (Dot) Walker dancindot1@aol.co

Music Studio Director: Jeff Kempskie, Jeff@stmarks.net,

Voice: Diane Atherton dianesvoicestudio@gmail.com

Piano: Anh Nguyen anh.nguyen@neo-academy.us
Sasha Beresovsky avberesovsky@gmail.com
Saeha Youn saeha.youn@gmail.com

The St. Mark’s Players is a participatory company that uses theater to explore our lives – theologically and personally – and to serve our community and the St. Mark’s Parish. stmarksplayers.org
President: Margaret Chapman, margachapman@gmail.com

The Yoga Center is the oldest, continuously operating Yoga Center in the DC area! Our classes welcome people at all points in Yoga and in life. We emphasize effective breathing, Asanas (comfortably held Yoga poses), relaxation, positive thinking, and meditation.
Director: Simone Mishler st_marks_yoga@yahoo.com

Vestry Liaison: Travis Beatty

20s & 30s: Jillian McGreen and Annabelle Swift

Archives/ Parish History: Doris Burton, Chair

College of Crustaceans: Doris Burton

Dozier Library: Peter Hawley

Hospitality: Kenn Allen and Maureen Shea

Lambda Lions: Mitch Wood

Lichfield (Cathedral) Link: Doris Burton

Maundy Thursday Agape Dinner: Parish Life Manager

Mens’ Group: Matthew Viator

Middle Agers: Steve Dalzell

North/East Maryland: Doris Burton & Michelle Strange

Parish Picnic and Fair: Vestry and Parish Life Manager

Parish Retreat: Senior Warden

Pub Steward: Margie Ware

Reading Group: Linda Ewald

Sunday Lunch: Pam Lacey

Third Agers: Unoccupied

Women’s Investment Network: Jackie Boddie, Rita Ossolinski, Susan Sedgewick

Woman to Woman: Edna Boone

Widows & Widowers: Mary Cooper

Co-Chair: Edna Boone
Co-Chair: Holly Kreutter
Vestry Liaison: Kristina Keenan

Bishop Walker School: Steve Dalzell

Everyone Home DC’s Family Support: Susan Sedgewick

Food Baskets: Michael Knipe

Good Neighbors Capitol Hill/Refugee Steering Committee: Karen Getman and Maureen Shea

Green Lions: Leslie Allen, Betsy Agle

Incarceration Justice: Jan Lipscomb

Lenten Mitebox Campaign: The SSJ Board

Migrants: Julie Murphy

Navajoland: Steve Dalzell, Kit Arrington

Newtown Vigil for Victims of Gun Violence: Michele Morgan

Salvation Army Grate Patrol: Carmen Frias

Samaritan Ministry: Peter Hawley and Mary Neznek

Sustainable Villages Honduras: Betsy Agle

Washington Interfaith Network: Kit Arrington, Edna Boone, Josie Jordan


Volunteer Leader Guidelines