St. Mark’s provides opportunities for young people to help them develop a social conscience. To support passion for service, we seek to use our resources to serve communities in need and educate our youth in the diversity of needs in local, regional, and international communities, both urban and rural.
Suggested Youth Service and Social Justice Activities
- Everyone Home DC Supports the holistic needs of individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
- Food Pantry – Collects donations weekly in baskets under the altar for the local Lutheran Church of the Reformation’s Food Pantry
- Food Rescue US Works to reduce food waster by picking up leftover food from restaurants and delivering it to local charities.
- Migrant Support Works with several faith communities to provide meals, clothing, and needed assistance for migrant children and their families passing through and settling in our area.
- Salvation Army Grate Patrol Makes bag dinners monthly for 150 residents of our city who are unhoused.
Teen Service Trips
We provide service trip opportunities for high school youth and are the only parish in the Diocese of Washington to provide a service trip opportunity to middle school youth. Each trip participant undergoes comprehensive training on our Christian call to service, how we serve responsibly, and how our work away can extend to our lives back home. For more information on these trips, contact Caleb Nelson Amaker, director of youth and family ministries at St. Mark’s.