We hold a virtual Morning Prayer at 11 am ET, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Click to join Morning Prayer via Zoom

About an hour before Morning Prayer, this page is updated with links to the Bulletin for the next session.

If you have joined us in the past, you only need to click on the icon at left.

See Bulletin in Advance (optional)

The Bulletin will be part of the presentation, so there’s nothing you need to do. However, since most of the participants will be on video, it may be easier for you to have a separate copy of the Bulletin, especially if you’re using a smartphone.

Click here for a PDF version you can print.

Connect at 11 am ET Monday, Wednesday, Friday

In advance: If you’d like to set up and test your laptop connection via Zoom, click here.

Starting at 10:55 am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, there are three ways to participate:

  1. For video, click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7411871206?pwd=ZVd6Z2NtZmV3c0w0d01BNnNJN2VhUT09 to join via your web browser and Zoom. If you are prompted to download the Zoom software, please do so.
  2. OR call in:   +1 301-715-8592
    when prompted, enter
    7411 87 1206 (the Meeting ID), then press # three times slowly (###) to be connected
  3. OR use the Zoom app on your smartphone. This works, but since phone screens are smaller, you may want to refer to a printed copy of the Bulletin (PDF).

Meeting ID: 7411 87 1206
Password: ascent

That’s it. At 11 am, when we get started, you’ll see the Bulletin on your screen, as well as video of the participants. (There will be instructions on how to turn your webcam and your microphone on and off.)

Call or text Chris Berendes at 202-683-7782 for troubleshooting, or email him at christoph.berendes@gmail.com.