We are St. Mark’s.
We are open to all. As we say before every Eucharist, “Wherever you are on your faith journey, whatever you believe or don’t believe, baptized or not, we welcome you to join us.”
We are some 600 men, women, children, and youth building a welcoming, inclusive community that strives every day to live into our Mission Statement:
St. Mark’s is an open community, welcoming people wherever they are on their faith journey. We celebrate the gifts of God that empower us to engage boldly in the struggles of life and to care for others with love, justice, and compassion.
We are a place for families to worship, play, and grow together through active planned participation of children and youth in worship, a full Sunday School program, and a broad range of non-class activities for middle and high schoolers.
We act on our faith through Service and Social Justice hands-on activities and partnerships.
We are a “destination church.” About half of us come from the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood and surrounding city neighborhoods; the balance come from throughout the metropolitan area, from as close as Arlington and Takoma Park to as far away as Fairfax, Rockville, and Annapolis.
We gather in a historic building that is home to a 50-year tradition of worshiping in the round, and a Nave flexible enough to host a concert, a dinner dance for 200, and Sunday worship – all on the same weekend!
You are St. Mark’s. Join us. Love your neighbor practice here.