
St. Mark’s provides numerous opportunities for people of all ages and ability levels to sing in the choir, ring handbells, perform vocal solos or duets, or play an instrument for Sunday services.

Do you love to sing? You are welcome to join us! Our first rehearsal of the 2024-2025 season is on Thursday, August 29th at 7:30 pm. The Chancel Choir is composed of approximately 45 adults ranging in age from mid 20’s through early 80’s. Some singers are relatively new to choral singing while others are semi-professional. We have both “cradle Episcopalians” as well as those who don’t identify themselves as Christian. Regardless, we provide singers of all skill levels an opportunity to experience the joy of choral singing within a friendly community.

Choir rehearsals are held in the nave on Thursdays from 7:30-9:30 pm from late August through early June. Members typically choose to sing at either the 9:00 or 11:15 am service on Sundays. The choir sings as a combined group at the 11:15 am service approximately once per month and for special services – some with instrumentalists – including an annual Advent Lessons & Carols service, two Evensong services, a sung mass during Lent, and Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday services. The group occasionally sings other large choral works (hear our April 2024 performance of Schubert’s Mass in E-flat here).

The types of music the Chancel Choir sings are rather diverse: 16th and 17th century Latin motets, mass settings by composers such as Mozart and Haydn, a variety of 19th century works, a wide range of anthems from the Anglican choral tradition, works by 20th century and many living composers, African-American spirituals, and other contemporary music that incorporates elements of jazz and gospel styles. Some repertoire is a cappella and much is accompanied with the organ or piano. The music’s level of difficulty varies from week to week but is always manageable and prepared well in-advance.

Singers vary widely in age and experience. Although the ability to read music is helpful, it is not required. The group regularly works on developing fluency in reading music notation and improving musicianship in general.

Please note that new members may join at any time! If consistent attendance at a weekly evening rehearsal is too big of a commitment but you are still interested in singing, please let us know. It is possible to make special arrangements or sing for just part of the liturgical season.

Questions? Please e-mail the Director of Music Jeff Kempskie or Chancel Choir President Nick Rogers.

The Children’s Choir includes children ages 5 and up and sings for most Family Services (9:00 am every fourth Sunday of the month) September through early June and for other special services throughout the year. The season begins with a retreat on Saturday, September 7th (2024) from 10 am to 2:30 pm.

No prior musical experience is required. 5-8 year old children rehearse every week from 11:00 am to 11:40 am and those 8 and up rehearse from 11:40-12:30 pm. All rehearsals take place downstairs in the Elders’ Room. Children whose families do not formally belong to St. Mark’s are entirely welcome to participate! Contact director Judith Rautenberg if you are interested in having your child sing.

BGC Fall 2021

St. Mark’s has a 3-octave Handbell Choir that rehearses in the Elders’ Room every other Wednesday from 6:45-8:00 pm. No prior experience is necessary, although the ability to read rhythm is helpful. This group is self-directed by volunteer Katherine Anderson. The Handbell Choir thinks of itself more as a club and a way for people to come together and have fun ringing handbells than as a performing ensemble, though it does play at the morning and 5 o’clock services a couple times each year. There are additional opportunities for small groups of 2-4 to ring with the Chancel Choir on occasion.  New members are always welcome!

Handbell choir