Whether it’s supporting the Washington Interfaith Network(WIN), making cookies and assembling lunches for the unhoused, packing clothing for migrants, or writing letters to the incarcerated, St Mark’s is on the job.

We are St. Mark’s Service and Social Justice 

Our mission is to engage boldly in the struggles of life and care for others with love, justice, and compassion.

That mission comes alive in hands-on activities and partnerships. We invite you to join us in caring for others in need in DC and around the world.

Volunteer Opportunities and Events

Caring for Others with Love, Justice and Compassion – For ten years, St. Mark’s has hosted the annual Newtown Vigil for All Survivors of Gun Violence. We have an active group of parishioners working on myriad issues surrounding incarceration justice, and St. Mark’s is an avid partner of the Washington Interfaith Network (WIN) in championing economic and environmental justice issues in the city.

We are also a partner of Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington, which provides employment assistance to thousands of DC residents and supports the Bishop Walker School in southeast DC.

Feeding the Hungry, Sheltering the Unhoused, Assisting those in Need – We are actively engaged locally with the Salvation Army Grate Patrol and make weekly donations in baskets under the altar for the Lutheran Church of the Reformation’s Emergency Food Pantry. We are also a major supporter of Everyone Home DC on Capitol Hill.

Preserving the Beauty of the Earth – Our Green Lions initiative provides ongoing education and advocacy addressing climate change and our work in Central America through Sustainable Villages Honduras, which directly assists farmers with sustainable agricultural practices.

Welcoming the Stranger – We are sponsoring Afghan refugee families through the Refugee Resettlement Program and welcoming asylum seekers from the southern US border through our migrant support efforts.

We have also initiated a multifaceted relationship with St. Christopher’s Mission in Navajoland, including education programs and in-person engagement with our indigenous brothers and sisters in Utah.

You are St. Mark’s. Join us. Contact our Service and Social Justice Chair at socialjustice@stmarks.net.