Useful Forms and Procedures

Online Pledge Form 2023— Submit this online form to make a financial pledge to St. Mark’s.

Printable Pledge Form 2023 — Print and complete this form to make a financial pledge to St. Mark’s.

Annual Authorization for paying a pledge by automatic checking account withdrawals.

Deposit Form — Use this form to prepare a deposit of checks and/or cash

Deposit Form Addendum — Use this form only if you need a second page to list the checks and/or cash for a deposit.

Expense Voucher — Use this form to either request reimbursement or request a payment be made to a vendor.

Instructions for Completing and Expense Voucher – follow these instructions for documenting and submitting an expense voucher.

Gift Acceptance Executive Summary – Read the summary version of the full policy on gift acceptance at St. Mark’s.

St. Marks Gift Acceptance Policy

Application for Fundraising Event or Activity

Space and Room Request Form