WHAT: Supports the holistic needs of individuals and families at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
St Mark’s participates in Everyone Home DC drives by giving either cash or gift cards which allows those in need to make choices appropriate for their own family. The three annual drives are:
- Back-to-School Initiative: supports Everyone Home DC families as they prepare for that all important first day of school.
- Celebrate Thanksgiving: provides families with a gift card to ensure they have a holiday feast that aligns with their traditions.
- Holiday Gifts: distributes gift cards proportionately to family size to support their holiday shopping experience and unique traditions.
Other Ways to Get Involved with Everyone Home DC
- Host a drive to collect much-needed, seasonally appropriate items for Everyone Home DC’s drop-in Day Center and Street Outreach teams. Consistent needs include hygiene kits, healthy snacks, water & sports drinks, laundry detergent & dryer sheets, and other toiletry items.
- Host a Block ‘Clean-Up’ Party with a few of your favorite people. Walk the block of the drop-in Day Center, Shirley’s Place, and throw away any noticeable trash and wrappers.
- Volunteer during the operating hours of Shirley’s Place Day Center (Monday-Thursday, 8 am-3 pm). Contact Kate to discuss your interests and availability. Director of Strategic Initiatives, Kate Akalonu, at akalonu@everyonehomedc.org
- Support Everyone Home DC’s signature Fall fundraiser, September Challenge, by hosting a fundraising experience to ensure they reach their goal. Contact Kate, the Director of Strategic Initiatives, Kate Akalonu, at akalonu@everyonehomedc.org
About Everyone Home DC
Everyone Home DC began as Capitol Hill Group Ministry (CHGM), a grassroots response by several Capitol Hill churches, including St. Mark’s, during the turbulence of the 1960s to collectively address the challenges faced by their congregants and communities. Originally an informal gathering of clergy, the choice was made to incorporate as a nonprofit organization in the fall of 1967. Today, Everyone Home DC is a vibrant and transformative nonprofit organization working with thousands of individuals and families living in vulnerable situations on Capitol Hill and across the District of Columbia every year. Check out the website for Everyone Home DC.