Vestry Notes from Vestry Clerk Randy Marks 

Get an update on the latest Vestry discussions and decisions.

St. Mark’s governing board (Vestry) holds open meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. The Vestry comprises nine members elected to serve three-year terms.
( St. Mark’s leadership structure )

On June 25, the Vestry met and heard reports from leadership, Rector, Wardens, and the Treasurer. We also discussed how to improve communication and coordination among our many activities and the role of the Vestry in facilitating these connections. We continued the April discussion of St. Mark’s vision, emphasizing fostering a sense of belonging and addressing potential barriers.

All approved meeting minutes are posted online, along with past minutes and the St. Mark’s By-Laws. I post hard copies of the minutes in the undercroft in the lounge.

Contact me if you have questions about the Vestry or want to attend a meeting.

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