God’s Holy Darkness
The Bible often uses the contrast of light and dark to represent wisdom and ignorance, love and hate, God and satan. It is a useful analogy that we can learn from. At the same time, we know that God created all things – including the light and the darkness.
In this
year’s Advent Art Show, we were inspired by the children’s book, God’s Holy Darkness by Sharei Green and Rebekah Selnick, to celebrate darkness, blackness and night as part of God’s creation – outside of how they are used in analogies. The book points out that God does holy work in times of darkness – the birth of Jesus, the visit of the Magi, calling to Samuel, passing over Egypt and more. The dark night sky allows us to see far off galaxies that we wouldn’t know about otherwise.
In last year’s Advent show we celebrated the gift of the simple light. In this year’s Advent show we are celebrating the gift of darkness. So we asked St. Mark’s artists, “Where does God’s Holy Darkness offer inspiration?” You will see their responses around our nave. Contact: Lisa Ramish lisa.ramish@gmail.com