Refugee Support Update
Thank you for your continuing interest in welcoming new neighbors to our community and country. Barkat and Latifa, living on Capitol Hill and working at Trader Joe’s, are the proud owners of a second hand car. We are hopeful that Latifa’s sister, who worked for the US government in Kabul and was physically attacked in her home by the Taliban, will be able to get a visa to come from Pakistan to the US. The Stanikzais have moved to Virginia where there is a large Afghan community. The Tokhi children and mother are faring well in Cheverly although the father still struggles to find employment. Good Neighbors Capitol Hill is setting up about two apartments per month. St. Mark’s supplies bedrooms with bedding and bathroom items as well as toiletries. If you would like to volunteer or donate to help with an apartment set up, please contact Kim Bayliss, or Karen Getman,