New! Next Gen Reflection: A Pre-teen Children’s Chapel Program In September

Sundays, Sep 8, 15, 22, 29

We’re excited to debut NextGen Reflection, an expansion of worship during the Liturgy of the Word portion of St. Mark’s 9AM service to suit the unique needs of preteens, ages 8-13.

It provides opportunities beyond talking and singing to include actively constructing and experiencing spirituality as a community. Participants will have the opportunity to move between four stations that encourage connection: Rest, Reconciliation, Praise and Prayer.

After the stations we will gather together, light candles and share our thoughts or say a prayer before returning to the main service for Communion. Next Gen Reflection will run as a four week pilot program on these dates: September 8th, September 15, September 22 and September 29. We hope you’ll join us!

Please email youthdirector[at] for more information.

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