Letting Go: Toys in the Attic Class – Postponed
What are we hanging onto? Books, clothes, toys, maybe dusty and unused. Join us to explore literal and figurative aspects of letting go—of possessions and circumstances that make us feel content or identify ourselves in certain ways. Conversation and short readings draw from Swedish death cleaning (döstädning) and Buddhist teachings of non-attachment and impermanence.
The goal? To explore how we can let go—of things, people, and ideas of self—and be more open to living with curiosity and generosity (and less clutter).
We’ll meet on three Wednesdays from 7 to 8:15 p.m. Come to church or connect from home, as you wish.
For questions and signup, email Michele Rivard at mmrivard[at]hotmail.com with “Letting Go” as the subject. Maximum class size is 15 people.