“Catechesis Lite” Training for Helpers
The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program offers our youngest children, 3 – 6-year-olds, a warm and loving environment in which to hear of God’s love in stories from Jesus, have the fun of practical activities, and share the joy of singing in a group.
Our program relies on helpers to assist with the class, joining on a rotating schedule every few weeks. On Saturday, September 7, Nora Howell, who led our Catechesis program for many years and was a
much-loved teacher, will offer a brief training for helpers, “Catechesis Lite.” The training will provide an overview and introduce the materials and methods used.
Helping out in Sunday school is both fun and profoundly rewarding! Whether you are someone with lots of experience with children or simply a person who wants to know more about how our young ones are introduced to the beauty and lore of our faith, please consider joining this training session.
Catechesis Lite will meet on Saturday, September 7, from 12:30 to 5 in the Library in the Undercroft. Please contact Nora Howell to RSVP or with questions.