We meet every first Monday – 12 noon
This is where to join the meeting. If you have used zoom before click on the stained glass window of Elizabeth of Hungary. If you haven’t used Zoom on this device scroll on.
If you are new, or this is a device new to zoom, there are two ways to participate:
- To join with video, with your web browser click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7411871206?pwd=ZVd6Z2NtZmV3c0w0d01BNnNJN2VhUT09. If you are prompted to download the Zoom software, please do so.
- OR Use the Zoom app on your smartphone.
- iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307?mt=8
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.zoom.videomeetings
Meeting ID: 7411 87 1206
Password: ascent