In Times of Great Uncertainty

As Christians, we are called – even in times of great uncertainty – not to turn our backs on the world, but to be utterly present within it, to work for justice, to care for our neighbors, to do all the things we are engaged with… More

We Are What We Eat

Jesus said: “those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them…the one who eats this bread will live forever.” This is the way Jesus starts his dialogue with some of his students this morning–and it’s important to note that the people he’s speaking to are his disciples, not his opponents. And yet look at the pushback he gets! And you can understand why–what is Jesus talking about? Is he telling us we should be cannibals? More

Eternal Transformation

Bitterness, anger, malice, arrogance, greed: I don’t know about you, but those are things I find in myself more days than not. If I want to be an agent of change in this world, I might need to be prepared to be changed myself. You know, we can’t rebuild this building with crumbling, and cracked, and broken bricks. If we want a secure and steadfast structure, we need well-fired, hard bricks. Likewise, if we want to build a just society, we have to be struggling for justice not only out there in the world, but justice within ourselves too. If we are feeding on arrogance, and anger, and greed, what do we expect to reap out there? More

Loving Beyond the Horizon

“… to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.” Now, this is a sentence that, the more I read it, the less sense it made to me. I was hoping that if I kept reading it, I would get it, but, no—that’s not what happened… More