A moment in the spotlight

Feb 21, 2021   ·  

I did not miss reminding you all of your mortality, it seems we all are well aware of it right now, ashes are not necessary while we are all/or should be wearing masks.  I did ask people at the Ash Wednesday service to consider these questions,   1. Is there a daily action/behavior that you might take on during Lent that would help you affirm God’s life-giving power over death?   2.  Is there a daily action/ behavior that you want to let go of during Lent in order to embrace God’s promise of new life. More

Of change and being changed

We all have the potential for that kind of transformation and we can ignore it or we can embrace it, and face the consequences of giving a new voice into the world. This kind of Change can bring us out of our selfish needs and for many of us it has been on a slow simmer for a long time.  We have watched the unfairness of the pandemic, in our country and in the world.  We have watched the unrest caused by white supremacy, we have seen the hatred and violence of warring politics.  We have watched politicians locked down in their own ways of always doing things and are frightened by the results.   More

In it for the long haul

Feb 07, 2021   ·  

“Offer yourself to God, like Jesus did, with love and compassion in service to others, and you’ll know what it is that you have to give and will be sustained in whatever that is for the long haul.” More