- The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde
- The Rev. Patricia Catalano
- The Rev. Caitlin Frazier - Transitional Deacon
- David S. Deutsch
- The Rev. Cindy Dopp
- The Rev. Susan Flanders
- The Rev. Caitlin Frazier
- Linell Grundman
- The Rev. Joe Hubbard
- Annemarie Quigley Deacon Intern
- The Rev. Mark Jefferson
- The Rev. Linda Kaufman
- The Rev. L. Scott Lipscomb
- Joel Martinez
- The Rev. Michele H. Morgan
- Stephen Patterson
- The Rev. Christopher Phillips
- Annemarie Quigley
- The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson
- Richard Rubenstein
- The Rev. R. Justice Schunior
- Lydia Arnts Seminarian
- The Rev. Thom Sinclair
- Susan Thompson
November, October, September, August, July, March, February, January -
December, November, October, August, July, June, May, April, March, February -
December, October, September, August, June, May, April, February -
May, April, March, February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March -
October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, May, February, January -
November, June, May, April, March, February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January
Seeing the world anew.
January 24, 2021 Epiphany 3 The Reverend Justi Schunior After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee and preached the Good News from God. Jesus said, “The right … More
January 24, 2021 Epiphany 3 The Reverend Justi Schunior After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee and preached the Good News from God. Jesus said, “The right … More
Cold Fury at Not Seeing All of God’s People As Beloved
Cold Rage
So-called Christians
Treatment of White Protestors vs. Black Protestors
The thief of our BLM Banner
The continued threat against our city More
Cold Rage
So-called Christians
Treatment of White Protestors vs. Black Protestors
The thief of our BLM Banner
The continued threat against our city More
Don’t Let My Sorrow Make Evil of Me
I have a friend, Bill and I do our best work teasing each other. It is how we show love. Years ago I was on the phone with him and I was complaining about something. Bill said that I was too priestly to be this crabby. I said, “buddy my 40 hours of nice is up.”
So often he likes to remind me that things I say and do are not in line with my vocational calling. So once again talking about something that was difficult, or crabby making involving the gun lobby, my friend Bill said that is not all that “Jesusy’. I laugh so hard that he brings it up to me a lot.
When I say I hate or I am not willing to sacrifice, that is not Jesusy. More
I have a friend, Bill and I do our best work teasing each other. It is how we show love. Years ago I was on the phone with him and I was complaining about something. Bill said that I was too priestly to be this crabby. I said, “buddy my 40 hours of nice is up.”
So often he likes to remind me that things I say and do are not in line with my vocational calling. So once again talking about something that was difficult, or crabby making involving the gun lobby, my friend Bill said that is not all that “Jesusy’. I laugh so hard that he brings it up to me a lot.
When I say I hate or I am not willing to sacrifice, that is not Jesusy. More