
What is the revelation in your life and how do you hold on to it?

Apr 26, 2020   ·  

Though afraid of what might come next they could not let this man go on, in the dark so they invite him to stay with them, to offer them hospitality.   We all know the story.  If push came to shove you could tell this story, it is like the birth narrative and the prodigal son, people know this story.  And it has one of my favorite lines in scripture that when echoed in our service I settle into it, how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.  That is what a good story can do let you settle in and let you remember what you have learned, what was revealed to you. More

Hope is the main impulse of life

Apr 19, 2020   ·  

Hope is the main impulse of life and we have people engaging. We must help them explore their faith, whatever that spark of the divine is; we do that by doing it ourselves. 

We are called to look forward to the new, and just because we do not see it right now, do not mean we should look back.  Change is not easy ever and we are called to change the world and make it new.  The story is changing we see it in Jesus and we need to see it in ourselves.  More

The resurrection impulses that change the world.

Apr 10, 2020   ·  

Perhaps we can see smaller resurrections by looking out.   For many of us have the privilege, of working at home, sharing space with other, food and paid work. Others do not.  Acknowledging this and making differences as we can are The resurrection impulses that change the world. More

Terminator 2 and Jesus: seeing the world anew! (stop the turmoil I want to get off.)

Apr 05, 2020   ·  

Jesus is setting the table for us to see the world anew, to open ourselves up to see the world anew.  And we as humans need it we always need a re-framing.  When we are in turmoil, we need to have the spinning stop.  We need a new frame.   SO when we say it feels like the world is ending, think about this written by an unknown neighbor. More