- The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde
- The Rev. Patricia Catalano
- The Rev. Caitlin Frazier - Transitional Deacon
- David S. Deutsch
- The Rev. Cindy Dopp
- The Rev. Susan Flanders
- The Rev. Caitlin Frazier
- Linell Grundman
- The Rev. Joe Hubbard
- Annemarie Quigley Deacon Intern
- The Rev. Mark Jefferson
- The Rev. Linda Kaufman
- The Rev. L. Scott Lipscomb
- Joel Martinez
- The Rev. Michele H. Morgan
- Stephen Patterson
- The Rev. Christopher Phillips
- Annemarie Quigley
- The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson
- Richard Rubenstein
- The Rev. R. Justice Schunior
- Lydia Arnts Seminarian
- The Rev. Thom Sinclair
- Susan Thompson
February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, March, February, January -
December, November, October, August, July, June, May, April, March, February -
December, October, September, August, June, May, April, February -
May, April, March, February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March -
October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, May, February, January -
November, June, May, April, March, February, January -
December, November, October, September, August, July, June, May, April, March, February, January
More than Welcome: Progress on the Journeys of Faith
Don’t be ashamed of Jesus. Never hesitate to ask for what you need as you make your way through the terrain of the particular spiritual journey that is your life. People of St. Mark’s, as you extend your arms of welcome… More
Don’t be ashamed of Jesus. Never hesitate to ask for what you need as you make your way through the terrain of the particular spiritual journey that is your life. People of St. Mark’s, as you extend your arms of welcome… More
Easter 2017
Mary Magdalene was a disciple of God, perhaps the one he loved best, she was not a prostitute More
Mary Magdalene was a disciple of God, perhaps the one he loved best, she was not a prostitute More
Good Friday 2017
Michele speaks about the absence of God and seeing ourselves in the broken mirror cross. More
Michele speaks about the absence of God and seeing ourselves in the broken mirror cross. More
Football, God so loved the world and Lent 2
Michele’s sermon about how struggling with a well-known passage can break someone open More
Michele’s sermon about how struggling with a well-known passage can break someone open More