New Worship Services coming December 3, 10, & 17

Your participation welcome

Our January-March “Pilot Project” for Lay Participation in Worship Planning met with convincing success and is now an ongoing project, returning for the first three Sundays in Advent: December 3, 10, and 17.

“Wherever you are on your faith journey” and curious about different approaches to worship, you are invited to engage in new, experimental, inclusive, and creative liturgies and music. Our “Shared Ministry” approach (three separate lay teams, each planning with clergy, preacher, and Music Director) will offer unique services for the first three Sundays of Advent. Team Leaders are Michael Knipe (Dec. 3), Louise Walsh (Dec. 10), and Linda Ewald (Dec.17). Light your lamps! Something new is coming!

Interested? Contact a member of the Steering Committee:
Betsy Athey
Nadine Hathaway
Louise Walsh

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