Online Giving: Click here to use a bank account or credit/debit card to pay your pledge in either a single payment or installments.
Check: Made payable to “St. Mark’s Church” with a memo of “Annual pledge, [year]”.
- Place the check in our Sunday collection plate, or mail it to St. Mark’s Church, 301 A Street SE, Washington, DC 20003
- Use your bank’s online services to automatically mail a check to St. Mark’s.
Automatic Debit from Your Checking or Savings Account:
Fill out the Authorization and return it along with a voided check to the church office. A new form must be signed each year authorizing St. Mark’s to withdraw your pledge payments. Forms can be left in the locked clergy/staff dropbox on the 2nd floor just outside the church office.
Payroll Deduction and/or Employer Match: If you would like your employer to deduct pledge payments from your payroll or to match your donation, please complete the Notice of Payroll Deductions.
A Gift of Stock or Mutual Funds: How to Make a Stock or Mutual Fund Donation.
Cash: Enclose your donation in a sealed envelope noting your name plus some identifying information such as pledge number, e-mail address or phone number to help distinguish between similar names. Envelopes are available in the racks along the walls in the nave. Place your envelope in a Sunday collection plate or drop it in the locked “clergy/staff” dropbox on the 2nd floor set into the wall just outside the church offices.