Healing Histories: A Reparations Dialogue

Registration deadline is September 22. Get the link.

The Committee on Diocesan Reparations and Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde cordially invite all Black-identifying parishioners to a day of fellowship and discussion of reparations at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in DC.

“Catechesis Lite” Training for Helpers

Get the details about the upcoming training on Saturday, September 7.

St. Mark’s Sunday School program offers 3 – 6 year olds, a warm and loving environment in which to hear of God’s love. The program relies on helpers, rotating every few weeks.

Sunday, Oct. 13, join the commitment liturgy at all three services

Commit to involvement in St. Mark's

Affirm your commitment of time, talent, and treasure to the community.

Women’s Financial Literacy Class

Tues 9/10, 17, 24 from 7-9pm and Sat 9/28 from 9-12:30 pm (class and lunch)

Talk with other women about becoming financially savvy, building wealth, security, independence, and economic power, doing good, investing, giving back, helping others, and supporting the causes and charities we all care about.

Fill a Pencil Pouch for a Refugee Child

Get the details

St. Mark’s Refugee Committee invites you to participate with us in filling soft pencil pouches with a few simple items for students from newcomer families.

Special Single 10 AM Service, Sunday September 8

Mark your calendar for this special day!

Single service at 10 a.m. on September 8. Former Rector Paul Abernathy will be with us and will preach. Following the service, attend the Annual Parish Picnic and Activity Fair.

Crab Feast!

Get the crabby details...

This year’s Crab Feast follows the 11:15 service on July 21: crabs, corn, watermelon, pizza, beer, and soft drinks. Reservations are required.

Come Help Us Hang Up “The Kingdom of God is Like… ” Art Show

Contact Elin Whitney Smith

This Saturday at 11 AM for its opening on Sunday.

July Toiletries Drive for Samaritan Ministry

July 6, 2024

Please help the adults Samaritan Ministry serves by donating these needed items through the end of the month. The donations box and copies of the “wish list” are in the […]

Vestry Notes from Vestry Clerk Randy Marks 

Get an update on the latest Vestry discussions and decisions.

St. Mark’s governing board (Vestry) holds open meetings on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 PM. Learn more about the leadership structure and how the Vestry functions at St. Mark’s Capitol Hill.