11:15 am Holy Eucharist

Sun Feb 16 | 11:15 am in the Nave and online

This service includes the sermon in a more traditional format.

Online: If you cannot attend this service in person in the Nave on Sunday morning, you can watch it online. Five minutes before the start time, you will be able to see the Livestream right below this text.

Download the service bulletin and
announcements. (Posted when available.)

To read and add comments during the service:
Click here to view it on Facebook.

Once the service begins, it will appear at the top of the screen, just above the grid of past videos.

If you arrive early, you may need to wait for the Livestream to begin.

Live tech support is available on Sundays from 10 am–noon. If you experience any technical difficulties, send an email to connect@stmarks.net or call the main phone number (202-543-0053) and choose Option 7. Parish volunteers will watch that email inbox and stand by for your calls.

**You do not have to be a member of Facebook to watch. Click the Facebook link above and, when prompted to either Login or Create a New Account, instead click Not Now to go directly to St. Mark’s Facebook videos; then scroll down until you see the Livestream of the service.**